Tuesday 3 June 2014

Happy, sad, confused... who knows?

3 Giugno; per dirlo in un altro modo -5... Sì, in breve, sono alla fine.

Certamente sono felice di tornare e rivedere amici e parenti dopo 10 mesi quassù, ma allo stesso tempo mi sento in balia delle emozioni negative... capitemi, sto completamente abbandonando la mia vita in Finlandia, probabilmente PER SEMPRE! Molte delle persone che sono abituato a vedere quotidianamente a scuola saranno un ricordo, niente di più. A pensarci mi vengono i brividi, veramente pazzesco.

Confuso, questo è il mio stato d'animo.

Comunque... un po' di storie riguardo il gran finale:
Venerdì ho avuto la consegna dei risultati degli ultimi corsi. Sono abbastanza soddisfatto ad essere sincero, una gran media nonostante tutto! :)

Sabato invece la cerimonia di consegna dei diplomi e delle borse di studio, tra l'altro sono stato chiamato anche io per la consegna pubblica dei vari attestati! Un momento davvero unico!

Poi domenica sono stato di nuovo a Tallin con famiglia e amici e finalmente ho potuto visitare il centro storico.. uno spettacolo pazzesco, qui sotto ci sono le foto!

E per terminare allego il pezzo che ho scritto per il giornalino della scuola (si chiama HaluLehti), è in inglese ma ci ho messo davvero il cuore per scriverlo e credo non sia troppo difficile, quindi mi piacerebbe che lo leggeste (sì mamma e papà, è proprio ora di imparare un po' di inglese!!)

The End of a Dream 

Little by little, without even noticing it, my year as an exchange student has almost gone. It seems like yesterday when I was in the Auditorio on the 12th August, waiting for the school to start; I remember that it has been such an emotional day, everything was completely new and mysterious... and I couldn’t imagine how Finland would become like a second home for me.

The main question that people, during the year, have been asking me was: “Why on earth did you chose Finland?”. Still now I am not prepared to answer, because it’s not rational: it comes from the heart, even before than the brain! All I needed to do was to scan my feelings and find out which country could fit with my personality; I have gone for Finland and I am every day more sure that it was the best choice I could ever do.

I have to say the truth: my exchange in several moments has been really tough; as you may know, I have gone through difficult familiar situations and for a pretty long period I was unable to live the “Finnish life” as well as I am doing know.

Luckily, after these events, I had enough time to enjoy many aspects of the tradition such as picking up berries in the woods, playing ice hockey, visiting Joulupukki in Rovaniemi, the avantouinti (that was epic!), the cruise to Stockholm and the celebration of the vappu; all stuff that might seem pretty normal and trivial for most of the Finns, but trust me… for an average Italian as I am, these little things sound truly amazing! So, in the end I can assure that I am totally satisfied of this experience: it has been incredible, funny, breath-taking, but most of all it made me grow as a person and come in contact with a culture that I personally adore.

Above all, I want to say kiitos to you all for helping me when I needed, for spending with me some time and for being active part in the best year of my life.



It is already -5 days to go. Certainly I'm happy of going back and seeing all my old friends and relatives after more than 10 months up here, but at the same time I am absolutely sad... try to understand me, I am leaving my life in Finland, probably FOREVER! Many of those people who I usually see daily at school or in different places will be just a memory, nothing else. It's just crazy.

Confused, that's how I feel.

I have spent some really good moments in these last days, starting from the diplom cerimony and of course my recent trip to Tallin, such a lot of fun!

Moreover, up there you can find the piece that I have been writing in the HaluLehti, the school magazine; check it out.. I can say it sums up all my year and it really comes from my hearth.

P.S.: Over 4000 views, thank you all!